Lavatories are generally available in standard sizes that coordinate with standard countertop cutouts. If you choose a vessel lavatory that rests on countertop, you’ll need to take into consideration things like the height and reach of the faucet as well. Also, if you’re planning to go with a pedestal lavatory rather than a vanity, you will need to ensure that it fits your space.
How Much Space Do You Have?
- Are you replacing an existing lavatory and working with the same exact footprint?
- Are you coordinating with a vanity or do you prefer a pedestal lavatory?
- Is there an existing faucet that may limit the height of the lavatory?
- Is the space plumbed for one or two lavatories? If one, is it centered in the space or off to one side?
- Will your vanity accommodate the sink shapes you prefer–round, oval, rectangle or square?
For more information, see Styling Space Considerations
How To Measure
If this is a simple replacement, measure the length, width and height of your current lavatory and choose one with the same measurements.
Measure width from side to side and length from front to back–where you measure will depend on the installation type. Be sure to refer to the specification sheet for exact dimensions.
Height and depth are two separate measurements. Height is the full measure taken on the exterior from top to bottom. Depth is the interior measure of the basin and the depth of water it will hold. Lavatories with an overflow are measured from the deepest point to the overflow only.